Acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases
Acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases is effective and free from side effects treatment. Before discussing acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases, we need to understand what acupuncture is and how it works. Acupuncture is a form of treatment that involves inserting needles through a patient’s skin at specific points of the body, to various depths, and in various directions. Many pieces of research revealed that acupuncture relieves pain and it can be used to treat most of the diseases. How acupuncture works remains a mystery to the scientists. Some scientists claim it works because it has a neurological effect, while others argue that it balances vital energy. Acupuncture originated in China and has been used as a form of treatment for over three thousand years. Before Chinese acupuncturists started using needles, they were using sharpened stones.
Acupuncture can be an effective treatment for urinary tract infections known as UTIs. These infections are not very common in men, but they are very common in women because of the different length and shape of the urinary tract in male and female bodies. About half of females suffer from UTI at least once in their life. Urinary infections that affect men usually localize at the prostate gland.
Different forms of Urinary tract diseases.
- Painful urination. If you are experiencing pain when urinating and the urine has changed color, consult your doctor and get tested for UTI.
- Prostatitis. This is a men’s ailment. If your testicles are in pain, the tip of the penis is in pain, or you are experiencing pain in your lower abdomen and urinating regularly, it can be a sign of prostatitis. Other signs are a lack of libido, pain after urinating, and pain in the area between the perineum and testicles.
- Prostatic Hyperplasia. If you are a male over 60 years old and have trouble getting your urine stream started and stopping it completely, you may develop the growth of the prostate. It could be benign or malignant. See a urologist to rule out prostate cancer.
- Bladder Prolapse. If you are a woman of any age with pain in your pelvis and tissue protruding from your vagina, that is a sign of possible bladder prolapse. Also, having difficulty urinating and feeling that the bladder is not empty after urinating is another sign of this condition.
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): If you are experiencing a lot of pain during intercourse and the OBGYN doesn’t see any problems, you may have a UTI. A UTI may injure and irritate your urinary tract’s delicate soft tissues. In this case, any penetrant fingers, adult toy, tongue, or penis can put force on the delicate layers of the urinary structures for the duration of vaginal intercourse.
- Urinary incontinence. If you have urine leakage when you sneeze or cough, you may suffer from weakness of the urethral sphincter.
Many Urinary tract diseases are sexually transmitted and triggered by bacterial infections. You need to treat these diseases as early as possible. It is a myth that many patients with prostatic cancer have suffered from long-term prostatitis. However, the urinary tract works well when it is infection-free.
Acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases is effective and safe. Acupuncture philosophy explains that the kidneys’ meridian is responsible for water metabolism in the body. All the problems of the bladder, prostate, and urethra are all related to the kidneys.
Does acupuncture really work for Urinary tract diseases?
You may have heard of this treatment before, but you don’t know if it really works or will be a waste of your money. We assure you that acupuncture works, is effective and safe, and is not painful. The research was done on women treated with acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases. It revealed that after four weeks of the treatment, there was a significant improvement in bladder capacity, frequency, urgency, and quality of life.
Acupuncture for Urinary tract diseases in Philadelphia
At the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic, David Wu, LAc, under the supervision of Dr. Tsan, successfully treats chronic urinary tract conditions using acupuncture. To schedule your appointment for acupuncture evaluation and treatment contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085