Acupuncture for addictions become more and more popular in alcoholism and drug abuse clinics. Addiction and substance abuse are social problems that have penetrated all levels of society. Whether you just can’t get going in the morning without coffee or you are suffering from a serious heroin habit, acupuncture can help you overcome your addictions. Acupuncture for addictions treatment can curb cravings and ease withdrawal symptoms to help you naturally detox from substance abuse.
Auricular – Ear Acupuncture is a modern version of acupuncture for addictions treatments and it can help with various types of addiction:
- Alcohol
- Nicotine: Cigarettes, Chewing Tobacco, Cigars
- Cocaine and Crack
- Methadone (Crystal Meth)
- Marijuana
- Heroin (Morphine)
- Caffeine: Coffee, Tea
- Pain Medications: Hydrocodone, Vicodin, Oxycontin
What is Acupuncture for Addictions?
Acupuncture is an Oriental Medicine treatment where special very thin acupuncture needles are inserted into the different parts of the body. These needles are inserted into specific acupuncture points to adjust and balance the Qi, or internal energy, of our body. These acupuncture points situated along energy channels called acupuncture meridians, which connect the surface of our body, the skin with our internal organs. By altering the flow of Qi, acupuncture can adjust many aspects of our mental and physical functioning, including helping us naturally detoxify from addiction and substance abuse.
Auricular or ear acupuncture is a micro version or micro meridian style of acupuncture treatment that maps the entire body onto the ear. Smaller needles, magnets, pellets, and seeds are used to stimulate points in order to induce a physiological response. Auricular acupuncture is commonly used in combination with whole body acupuncture for addictions to cravings, pain, and stress.
How Can Acupuncture for Addictions Help in Recovery?
Acupuncture for addiction can assist for the duration of alcohol and drug addiction rehabilitation phase. When combined with psychological counseling by addiction specialists, acupuncture for addiction can be a holistic method to help manage different withdrawal symptoms and curb cravings.
Most acupuncture for addictions treatments and protocols utilize Auricular Acupuncture. This micro version of acupuncture for addiction has been shown to be highly effective in assisting standard addiction programs. The study conducted by Yale University on the use of acupuncture for addictions to treat cocaine addiction found that recipients of acupuncture treatment were twice as likely to have cocaine-negative urine screens as control groups during treatment. In addition, the acupuncture for addictions group in the cocaine addiction study was able to refrain from returning to cocaine use for longer periods of time than the control group.
The NADA Protocol as a part of acupuncture for addiction
All these acupuncture for addiction healing programs are making use to the work of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) Treatment Protocol. The NADA protocol has been shown to help with emotional, psychological, and physical difficulties of overcoming addiction.
The NADA protocol uses five specific ear acupuncture points on each ear for addiction treatment:
- Sympathetic point– Balances sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and has a strong analgesic effect.
- Shenmen point– Called “Spirit Gate”, has a calming and relaxing effect to help alleviate anxiety and nervousness that can accompany withdrawal.
- Kidney point– Stimulates the source energy and essence that is often damaged through chemical abuse. The point can also help resolve fear and increase the willpower needed to overcome addiction.
- Liver point– Promotes repair of the Liver from drug and alcohol abuse and aids in resolving anger and aggression.
- Lung point– Strengthens the immune system and accelerates detoxification. Emotionally, it is associated with grief and letting go.
What are Auricular Acupuncture for Addiction Treatments Like?
The NADA protocol is often provided in a seated group settings and acupuncture treatments last approximately 40 minutes. There is no form of Oriental Medicine diagnosis provided during the acupuncture for addictions treatment, as only the standard NADA protocol is followed. The acupuncturists are trained to provide a supportive non-confrontational environment focused on harm reduction.
When you are going through you initial detox from alcohol and drug addition, it is important to receive acupuncture for addiction treatment on a daily basis until you are able to be clean. Ask your acupuncturist about receiving ear seeds to allow you to stimulate these auricular acupuncture points at home between acupuncture for addictions treatments to manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Once you have ceased using alcohol or drugs, you can decrease the frequency of your acupuncture for addictions sessions to once or twice per week for several weeks. It is recommended that you continue receiving acupuncture for addictions treatments on a monthly basis to ensure your long-term recovery from addiction. Acupuncture for drug addiction, аѕ іt turns out, is not something new; it is one of the oldest forms of medical treatments. Acupuncture for drug addiction is older than anything holistic and older than any other alternative modalities and even older than the mainstream western practice of medicine. Acupuncture for alcohol addiction is one of the mostAcupuncture is a Chinese practice with unclear origins, but it clearly dates back more than 4,000 years. Some sources say that soldiers wounded by arrows were able to overcome chronic diseases. Others imply that acupuncture was in use long before the days of bows and arrows. Acupuncture for stop smoking is a very successful method of treatment and has turned a growing number of cigarette smokers into permanent ex-smokers. Acupuncture for stop smoking treatments take all of your symptoms into account and aim at balancing the energy within the body to optimize health.
Drug Addiction
Alcohol Addiction
Stop Smoking
At Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic, all treatments provided under the supervision of the internationally recognized expert in holistic medicine, medical doctor Victor Tsan.
Each acupuncture for addictions protocol is customized based on patient’s physical and emotional condition. In complicated cases of addictions, we combine acupuncture with clinical hypnosis and homeopathic medicines.