Acupuncture for alcohol addiction is one of the mostAcupuncture is a Chinese practice with unclear origins, but it clearly dates back more than 4,000 years. Some sources say that soldiers wounded by arrows were able to overcome chronic diseases. Others imply that acupuncture was in use long before the days of bows and arrows.
The first Westerners to encounter acupuncture were missionaries from Portugal. They arrived in Asia in the 16th century and noted cases of acupuncture in Java and Japan. With the arrival of Western medicine in Asia, acupuncture went out of fashion for a few hundred years before resurging in the 20th century. By 1973, the United States Internal Revenue Service allowed taxpayers to write off acupuncture as a healthcare expense.
IRS recognition signaled a turning point for acupuncture as a modern medical treatment. Today, the ancient Chinese art is being explored in a range of clinical settings. From a rehabilitation standpoint, it is believed that a regimen of acupuncture treatment can help weaken an alcoholic’s urge to drink.
How Acupuncture for alcohol addiction works
Opinions on the effectiveness of acupuncture for alcohol addiction (alcoholism) vary. It is, however, a widely recognized practice. Well-regarded medical institutions are exploring the role of acupuncture for alcohol addiction in modern medicine, and organizations, Clinic maintain online records related to acupuncture.
Acupuncture, in general, as well as acupuncture for alcohol addiction, involves the technique of inserting thin needles into the skin at traditionally recognized energy points. This is believed to balance the patient’s life force, or chi, which flows through 14 energy meridians. By puncturing strategic points along the patient’s meridians during the session of acupuncture for alcohol addiction, the traditional acupuncturist aims to balance a person’s natural internal energy Qi.
But there is a Westernized, scientific slant on acupuncture for alcohol addiction, as well. Some specialists believe that puncturing key points in the body stimulate muscles, nerves, and other tissue. This light stimulus boosts blood flow and results in a disproportionate release of natural painkillers in the body.
Relaxation during acupuncture for alcohol addiction sessions helps alcoholic rehabilitation
During the session of the acupuncture for alcohol addiction, the nervous system generates production of endorphins – natural painkillers that are 500 stronger than opiates. It is the release of these painkillers that potentially helps alcoholics. With this boost of natural calming agents in the blood stream, an addict finds it easier to resist the urge to relapse. As a result of acupuncture for alcohol addiction, a withdrawal system weakens and cravings are not as severe. Based on the most modern clinical studies results, many scientists, physicians and acupuncture specialists believe that acupuncture for alcohol addiction has the potential to eliminate toxins built up from substance abuse.
Best of all, this treatment happens without synthetic treatments or drugs. An acupuncturist is able to help an alcoholic tap into their own natural pharmacy. Along these lines, acupuncture for alcohol addiction is an ideal complement to rehabilitation. Some rehab centers staff acupuncturists while others can make referrals acupuncture for alcohol addiction for interested patients.
Method of Acupuncture for Alcohol Addiction
Each acupuncturist has their own method and strategy of treatment. Some are purists and adhere to Far-Eastern practices though many blend elements of East and West. Sessions of acupuncture for alcohol addiction are usually lasting anywhere from 5-10 minutes to about an hour, depending on patient’s emotional condition.
Despite minor differences in practice, every acupuncture for alcohol addiction session includes the following elements:
- Puncturing: needles are thin enough that relatively little acute pain results from their insertion. Only a few needles are used in a typical treatment.
- Manipulation: after the needles are in place, the acupuncturist may lightly twirl them or apply heat.
- Removal: after the prescribed time, the needles are quickly and painlessly removed.
For an alcoholic seeking acupuncture for alcohol addiction rehabilitation treatment, it is important to minimize expectations and keep an open mind. Some patients respond rapidly to acupuncture; others see little in the way of results. Usually, it only takes a few sessions for an addict to determine if acupuncture is going to be a valuable rehabilitation tool.
Acupuncture for alcohol addiction in Philadelphia
At Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic patients usually undergo the combination of acupuncture for alcohol addiction and hypnosis for alcohol addiction. As a result of this combination the effectiveness of treatment significantly increases. We are proud to report that our statistic shows as high as 98% of the effectiveness of our treatment in men and 85% in women. This is a very good result. Also, our clinic practice implantation of the special microdevice into the alcoholic’s skin that first of all significantly reduces any cravings and urges and second causes severe sickness symptoms if the patient failed to stay sober. This french made implant well-known under the brand Esperal. Since all our patients are informed about the effect of this implant, no one so far tried to drink and test the device. That means that our effectiveness is 100% for those patients who agreed for implantation.
To make an appointment for an initial FREE consultation and meet our medical director, internationally recognized specialist in alternative medicine, medical doctor Victor Tsan – call our office (267) 403-3085 and we will schedule you for the first step to a new life.
You can also schedule an appointment by yourself using our automated on-line system at