Leaky Gut Natural Treatment

Treatment for leaky gut

Treatment for leaky gut is challenging and not always successful. Since many doctors do not consider leaky gut a legitimate medical condition, there is no standard treatment.

Note: No medical remedy or procedure can completely treat leaky gut. Medications, however, address the associated symptoms rather than the disorder itself. Masking the symptoms doesn’t treat the disease, and it strikes back repeatedly once treatment is halted.

Leaky gut natural treatment

Several medications used to treat leaky gut also have side effects. However, the medical community suggests employing natural treatments. The best alternatives involve a combination of herbal supplements, diet modification, and exercise.

It is easy to confuse leaky gut syndrome symptoms with those of other digestive system disorders. Even within the medical community, many are unaware of the condition or have little knowledge about it.

The Gut   

The gut is the most important organ in the human body. It is the center of our well-being. If the gut is affected, the other systems of the human body are also affected. Since all the systems of the body are closely linked and related to the central gut, we must pay special attention to its well-being. The small intestine is the most vital part of the gut. It is where the important nutrients are absorbed after they have been digested in the stomach.

The Gut

The walls of the intestine are designed to create a selectively permeable membrane that allows only specific nutrients to cross it and enter the bloodstream. This selective flow of nutrients out of the small intestine is disrupted when a medical condition called “leaky gut arises.

What is leaky gut syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome, also known as increased intestinal permeability, is the term used to describe the stomach lining’s inability to process or absorb protein molecules. Instead of being absorbed and digested, these proteins flow throughout the bloodstream. Here, they stimulate the immune system, and in turn, the immune system reacts to their existence as it would to any foreign body by starting an inflammatory reaction that leads to autoantibody production and autoimmune disease development.

Leaky gut pathology

The leaky gut syndrome causes two kinds of problems:

  • Interference with the filtration and absorption mechanism
  • Breach of the protective barrier and immune function of the gut

When the lining of the small intestine becomes weak or injured in parts, it can no longer serve as a barrier between the gut contents and the bloodstream. Normally, the cells lining the bowel serve as a front line of defense, in the same way as a wall protects a building—they keep strangers and enemies out.

With leaky gut syndrome, the barrier is breached, allowing bacteria and toxins from bowel contents to seep through and enter the bloodstream, causing various problems. Partially digested food, bacteria, fungi, and other elements of the bacteriome normally found in intestinal contents now have free access to all body parts.

As a response to this intrusion, the immune system starts autoimmune reactions. The consequences of this are a bloated sensation and bowel gas production.

Leaky gut is a serious medical condition that affects the lining of the intestines in the human body. This problem is soaring with time in our society, and it has become a major worry for doctors nowadays. This condition has also been called increased intestinal permeability. In this condition, the lining of the intestine is damaged because the epithelium of the small intestine becomes inflamed. As a result, the membrane of the small intestine cannot filter the appropriate biological substances and nutrients the human body requires. Because of this, the digestive function and the whole body are affected. Due to the damage to the intestine, hormones, bacteria, fungi, yeasts, toxins, metabolic waste material, and undigested fats and proteins may leak out of the intestine. Consequently, all the waste material will enter the bloodstream. Entering the bloodstream means that all the waste material enters the entire blood circulation and damages many parts and organs of the body. Because of this leakage, many issues arise. For example, gastrointestinal problems like bloating, gassiness, and cramping may occur. Other issues include joint pain, skin conditions, and sensitivity to many food substances. Doctors argue that a leaky gut can cause fatigue, migraines, thyroid abnormalities, and multiple sclerosis as well.

Causes of leaky gut

Doctors still have not discovered what causes the problem of a leaky gut. It has come to be known that a protein called Zonulin might cause this problem because it is known to regulate the permeability of the intestines. When the zonulin protein is activated, it can lead to a leaky gut. The bacteria and gluten in the intestines can cause the release of the protein Zonulin in the intestines. Thus, it is advisable to avoid foods that contain gluten so that the release of the Zonulin protein can be reduced. An unbalanced diet and extreme stress are also contributors to a leaky gut. Some say that certain medicines can also cause this problem, especially antibiotics. Antibiotics sometimes tend to destroy beneficial bacteria in the body. This causes an imbalance in the body. Moreover, some antibiotics support the growth of pathogens that contribute to the shrinking of the epithelial cells of the small intestine. The shrinking of the small intestine’s epithelial cells compromises the small intestine’s porosity. This eventually leads to the leakage of harmful components and waste materials into the bloodstream.

Leaky gut causes

Thousands suffer from leaky gut syndrome, but the underlying causes are still a mystery. The common mechanism underlying the condition has been described: a breach in the mucosal barrier of the intestinal lining leads to gut contents entering the bloodstream, including partially digested food, bacteria, and fungi.

From a biochemical viewpoint, bacteria release toxins when they act on undigested food. These toxins make the gut lining more permeable and leakier, and the condition worsens with repeated attacks by endotoxins released by gut bacteria.

Listed below are common causes of leaky gut:

  • Food and water sources may contaminate intestinal parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Overeating refined carbohydrates can worsen the leakage of the intestinal lining.
  • Dyes, food preservatives, and coloring materials contain toxins in certain chemicals, which have been implicated in leaking gut disease.
  • Excessive intake of coffee, tea, and alcohol may also irritate the gut lining.
  • Plant and fungal toxins ingested when eating stale or rancid foods and grains can cause injury to the gut.
  • Environmental pollutants have also been described as one of the causes of leaky gut in a few research publications.
  • Psychological stress and anxiety are hard to quantify but have both been implicated in cases presenting with symptoms suggestive of leaking bowel disease.
  • Drugs like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines are linked to gut permeability disorders because they irritate the gut lining and tend to breach the intestinal mucous membrane.

Foods that cause increased intestinal permeability

You may wonder, “Can the nutrients I consume originate from a leaky gut?” The leaky gut syndrome affects many people all over the world, and the majority of them don’t even know they have it. This is because, for the perpetrators of this disease, inflammatory and toxic foods always end up in the diet—even healthy ones. Fortunately, a few simple dietary changes and supplements, such as Leaky Gut Revive®, can help repair a leaky gut and put you on a path to optimal wellness. Let’s look straight at the facts to see where food choices can go wrong and what steps you can take to care for your health.

So, what are the foods that cause a leaky gut?

There are two main categories of foods to avoid if you are working to heal the leaky gut:

  • Processed, artificial, or inflammatory foods and
  • Any food to which you react. (This reaction indicates that the food triggers inflammation, a cause of leaky gut.)

Here is a list of foods that are often inflammatory to the gut lining and should be removed regardless of what diet you use to heal your gut lining:

  • Gluten- and Wheat-Based Products
  • Sugars and Starches
  • Processed
  • Snack Foods
  • Junk Food
  • All Artificial Sweeteners
  • Commercial Sauces
  • Alcohol or Sugary Beverages
  • Industrial Seed Oils

Also, the following list of foods is recommended to avoid if you are suffering from a leaky gut:

  • All Grains: Your immune system may trigger a reaction to grains, whether you are gluten-free or not
  • Dairy Products: milk, cream cheese, kefir, sour cream, gelato, etc.
  • FODMAP Foods – foods that contain fermentable sugars
  • Nightshades – tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes, and okra

Leaky gut symptoms

In its beginning, a leaky gut causes severe swelling in the intestinal tract, significantly harming the abdominal coating. As that coating becomes more damaged, your body no longer has the enzymes necessary to digest and absorb food. The symptoms of a leaky gut depend on the stage of the disease.


Stage 1 Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome

  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Depression
  • Intestinal Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Gum Disease

Stage 2 leaky gut symptoms

At this stage, it causes intestinal lining cells to break down and form large gap junctions. These gaps allow partially consumed food and substances to enter your bloodstream instead of sending them through your digestive tract for further digestion.

The stage 2 leaky gut symptoms are:

  • Pain in the joints
  • Migraines and other headaches
  • Digestive problems
  • Dermatitis, Psoriasis, and Eczema
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Apparent Food Allergies

Stage 3 Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome

  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Arthritis
  • Systemic Candida, nail fungus, ringworm, etc.
  • Celiac’s Disease
  • Severe Skin Conditions
  • Colitis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Ways to Avoid a Leaky Gut

Doctors recommend that patients avoid alcohol and foods they are allergic to. Doctors also recommend that patients and everyone else consume a lot of fiber and take probiotics. Patients should try to stay on an anti-inflammatory diet with important fatty acids like fish oil. Fermented vegetables, gluten-free grains, sprouted seeds, healthy fats like olive oil and avocadoes, and a certain beverage should be part of one’s diet to maintain healthy digestive health. Wheat-based products, gluten, processed meat, dairy, refined oils, and junk food should be avoided to maintain your health and live a happy and healthy life.

Natural treatment for leaky gut

Natural treatment for the leaky gut is the most effective, and it causes no side effects compared to drugs. Listed below is a natural treatment for leaky gut  

Home remedies for leaky gut—the most common natural treatment for increased intestinal permeability

Home remedies for the leaky gut are natural remedies that are easy to achieve at home and cost-effective. Listed below are home remedies for leaky gut

Manage stress through mind-body practices.

  • Stress hormones attack and break down the tight junctions that hold the cells that line your digestive tract together. These tight junctions can heal by reducing stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine through relaxation, mindful eating, and meditation.

Take digestive enzymes.

  • Enzymes taken regularly with meals help break down large proteins and bacterial products that can damage the lining of the gut. A broad-spectrum enzyme is recommended before eating protein- and fat-rich foods to support digestion and prevent intestinal lining irritation.

Increase your collagen consumption.

  • Collagen contains the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline needed to repair and rebuild the gut lining. Regular consumption of collagen-containing foods like bone broth, gelatin, and collagen powders can be therapeutic additions to the diet that may help mend and prevent leaky gut.

Diet for leaky gut—an essential part of any natural treatment for leaky gut

A diet for leaky gut is one of the natural remedies for a leaky gut. Following a good diet when you have leaky gut syndrome is an important issue to tackle, especially for those who are suffering from the condition.

It is necessary to watch what you eat if you are suffering from a leaky gut. A proper diet for a leaky gut can help you control your symptoms. However, some foods cause leaky gut that you should avoid, like processed and canned goods. They contain very few nutrients, many food additives, and artificial flavors.

The diet must be casein-free.

  • Your diet for leaky gut syndrome must be casein-free. Casein is a white and odorless extract from milk. It is also a major component in creating cheese, so your diet must be dairy-free.

The diet must be low in sugar.

  • Low-sugar diets are not only for diabetics and body-conscious people; they are important in your diet for leaky gut syndrome, too.

The diet must be low in gluten.

  • Food rich in gluten is also a no-go for a leaky gut. Gluten is a protein in rye, barley, triticale, malt, and wheat. Even though this suggests that you should not eat grain products, there are still gluten-free starch and grain sources that you can eat. These are rice, corn, tapioca, and potatoes.

Herbs for leaky gut: a home-based natural treatment for increased intestinal permeability

Herbs are an effective natural treatment for leaky gut.


Listed below are herbs for leaky gut

Peppermint tea

  • Peppermint tea is an herb for leaky gut that stimulates food to pass through quickly and promotes bile flow. Furthermore, peppermint is believed to kill some kinds of bacteria. By reducing bacteria and moving the meal more quickly, there is less potential for foreign substances to go into the bloodstream.

Chamomile Tea

  • Along with peppermint tea, chamomile tea is wonderful for treating stomach issues. It effectively relieves leaky gut symptoms, including excessive gas and bloating, cramping, and pain.

Marshmallow root.

  • This herb helps relieve the symptoms of digestive tract inflammation. It is very effective in soothing the irritated lining of the digestive tract.

Homeopathy for leaky gut: #1 natural treatment for increased intestinal permeability

Homeopathy treats leaky gut syndrome effectively and safely, using natural medicines without side effects. Homeopathic remedies for leaky gut aim to prevent further damage and manage the symptoms effectively.


Listed below are homeopathic remedies for Leaky Gut

Nux Vomica

  • This homeopathic remedy for leaky gut is ideal when you feel something heavy in your stomach. This may include indigestion.

Magnesia Carbonica

  • If you smell something sour on your skin, strongly dislike vegetables, green fruits, and other green foods, have an unusual craving for meat products, and feel thirsty at night, this treatment is best for you. It additionally helps people who are experiencing a strong dislike of starchy foods such as potatoes, bread, butter, vegetables, and cabbage.


  • This homeopathic remedy for leaky gut is best for people experiencing pain and cramps in their lower abdomen.


  • Phosphorus works to stop vomiting and the sour taste due to reflux after eating.

Carbo Vegetabilis

  • For those who struggle with rich, fatty foods, Carbo Vegetabilis combats heaviness and fullness in the stomach.

Acupuncture for Leaky Gut 

Acupuncture for the Leaky Gut is a great, natural way to help in the healing process. However, acupuncture for leaky gut alone cannot cure the issue but can help speed up the healing process. Acupuncture for Leaky Gut, a change in our diet, and awareness about nutrition in our food together become the ideal components that lead to a healthy gut.  When you visit the acupuncturist, he will analyze your physical health to figure out the root cause of your problem, and then, accordingly, he will apply his Acupuncture for Leaky Gut technique. Your acupuncturist will try to find out what has caused the balance and energy of your body to be disrupted. After all, acupuncture is all about restoring the body’s natural energy and balance, which the Chinese call ‘qi,’ pronounced as ‘chi.’

According to traditional Chinese medicine, there are twelve channels of energy in our bodies called ad meridians. Each meridian is associated with a specific organ in the human body. In the process of acupuncture, specific acupoints are inserted with needles to restore the body’s natural energy and balance and thus cure the body of illnesses. In the Leaky Gut case, the punctured points are associated with the spleen, liver, heart, or kidney. In these points, an acupuncturist inserts needles because the energy level of these organs is disrupted. The balance of energy in these organs is restored through the process of acupuncture.  When the energy level balances, then, in turn, the problem of the leaky gut also heals. Thus, acupuncture for leaky gut is a great way to heal the problem. It is a hassle-free, pain-free process. Insertion of needles sounds painful, but the acupuncturist inserts them in such a way that the patient only feels a little pressure, and the process is not painful at all. Acupuncture is a tried-and-tested process, and it is accepted worldwide as a safe, non-medical treatment.

A Treatment for Increased Intestinal Permeability in Philadelphia

At the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic, Dr. Victor Tsan successfully uses Acupuncture for Leaky Gut and a protocol of homeopathic medicines that improve the gut and, in many cases, lead to a complete cure.

Contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085 to book an appointment with our medical director, Victor Tsan, MD, who will evaluate you and propose the best treatment options.

You can also use our online scheduling system to choose the best time to fit your daily regimen.