Acupuncture for skin diseases is becoming an increasingly practical approach. The skin is one of our most vulnerable and visible organs. Skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, acne, and psoriasis are easily contagious for various reasons.
Conditions like acne and eczema were once thought to be associated only with adolescents and children; the reality is that adults are not immune to such conditions. Over-the-counter medical products do their bit in treating these skin diseases, but they have side effects that sometimes diminish the positive effects of the medicines. There is a solution that has existed for a long time that can effectively treat these diseases.
Acupuncture to the Rescue of Skin Disorders
For a very long time, the Chinese have used their traditional medicine in the treatment of various health problems. They use acupuncture and herbs to treat skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, and acne.
The Chinese believe that sound health can be achieved when we maintain a balance between our environment and the body’s internal systems. Acupuncture has many advantages, and in recent years, people who have used it to treat their health problems have testified to noticing very positive changes. These advantages have led to the popularity of acupuncture for skin diseases. It can also be used in the treatment of certain cosmetic issues.
What is acupuncture?
In Acupuncture for skin diseases, an extremely fine and sterile needle(s) is inserted into certain points that exist along the meridians of energy in the body. Acupuncture practitioners are of the belief that the stimulation of these nodes helps to unblock the energy within the body.
How does acupuncture work for skin diseases?
While there are no complete explanations as to how the specific mechanisms of acupuncture really work, many theories abound. Some believe that acupuncture stimulates Raphe’s nuclei, which helps stimulate the production of serotonin. By extension, this starts a chain of reactions that increase glucocorticoid levels. Glucocorticoids then help to control other aspects of the body’s immune response, such as inflammation.
Because inflammation is typically the root cause of most skin conditions, acupuncture for skin diseases impacts these conditions. Acupuncture treats many skin conditions, including urticaria, psoriasis, acne, atopic dermatitis, skin irritation, and even postherpetic neuralgia.
What skin diseases can acupuncture cure?
- Eczema
Acupuncture for eczema is one of the most effective treatments. It reduces the severity of itching, makes skin softer and more elastic. Reduces development of flakes.
- Psoriasis
Acupuncture for skin diseases has been successfully used in a psoriasis clinic for pain control. As a result of acupuncture treatment, patients experience less burning around the patches. Acupuncture also helps when the psoriatic process affects large joints, causing severe pain.
- Eliminate puff
Acupuncture can be used to de-puff a swollen face. One of the major factors that could cause a swollen face is the presence of larger tissues. Those who have allergies, poor lymphatic drainage, or digestive problems may experience puffiness from time to time. Acupuncture can be used to correct and adjust the underlying reasons from the inside out. This will cause a healing regimen on the local skin and throughout the body.
- Heal acne
Acupuncture has a rebalancing effect that helps to cushion and calm chronic breakouts caused by hormonal fluctuations.
- Control Rosacea
Just like in treating acne, acupuncture adjusts and regulates the internal balance. It clears up internal digestive issues to reduce irritation and redness in skin tissues.
- Brighten Dull Skin
Acupuncture can help to recalibrate bodily systems and trigger local healing processes in the face in order to boost lackluster, dull complexion.
- Tone and Tighten
It allows the deeper tissue muscles to tighten when they are too loose and relax when they are too tight. This helps in cosmetics for the lifting and sculpting of the jawline and cheeks. It’s also suitable for lifting eyebrows.
Benefits of acupuncture for skin diseases
Some of the benefits of acupuncture for skin diseases include the fact that acupuncture
- It is not as invasive as surgery or other standard treatments
- Provides relief for itch and pain without pharmaceutical products
- Has a total approach towards treatment. It works alongside with Chinese herbs, lifestyle and dietary changes
- Is easily accessible and increasingly available
A few downsides of acupuncture as a treatment include:
- There is no proven evidence as yet as to show its efficacy for conditions other than pain control
- Patients with severe bleeding disorders, in sporadic cases, might have contra-indications
- The sites where the acupuncture needles are inserted sometimes get infected, although this is rare as the needles used for the process are usually sterile.
- It could sometimes bring up vasovagal symptoms such as dizziness and lightheadedness.
Cutaneous adverse effects of acupuncture for skin diseases
While there are many advantages to using acupuncture for skin diseases, it has also been reported to cause skin-related diseases, albeit very rarely.
These cutaneous diseases include viral infections, itching, lipoatrophy, fungal infections, bacterial infections, hypertrophic scars, bleeding and bruising.
Acupuncture for skin diseases in Philadelphia
Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic for a few years as the #1 acupuncture facility in the City of Brotherly Love. The clinic’s acupuncturists employ the most cutting-edge methods and strategies under the direction of Dr. Tsan, who received his degree from the Postgraduate Academy of Chinese Medicine in Beijing.
David Wu, LAc, is the acupuncturist who practices at the clinic. He has a master’s in oriental medicine and years of academic and clinical experience.
To schedule your evaluation and acupuncture treatment appointment, contact our clinic at (267) 403-3085.