Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy – Natural Bell’s Palsy Treatment

Bell’s palsy treatment

Bell’s palsy treatment should start as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. Recent research has shown that steroids are one of the best ways to treat Bell’s palsy. It has also been shown that combining an antiviral drug like acyclovir, which fights viruses, with anti-inflammatory medication like the steroid prednisone, which reduces inflammation and swelling, may help improve facial function by minimizing nerve damage. These drugs should be given within 24 hours of the onset of paralysis. Lubricants for the eye and nighttime patching may be necessary to protect the eye.

Bell's Palsy Medicomentose treatment

A variety of non-pharmacologic measures, such as natural remedies, including home treatment, exercises, and acupuncture, have been used in Bell’s palsy treatment. Supplementation with cell signaling molecules has shown interesting, drug-free possibilities.

Conventional treatments consist of various medications, including antibiotics and steroids. Multiple studies, however, have suggested that acupuncture is beneficial for facial palsy. Acupuncture for Bell’s palsy relieves the symptoms and restores the appearance of the face.

What is Bell’s palsy?

Bell’s palsy, a.k .a. facial palsy, is named after Sir Charles Bell, a 19th-century Scottish surgeon who was the first to describe the condition. Bell’s palsy is a form of temporary facial paralysis resulting from damage or trauma to one of the two facial nerves. It is the most common cause of facial paralysis worldwide and one of the most common neurological disorders involving a cranial nerve.

Acupuncture for Bell's Palsy

Bell’s palsy, or idiopathic facial palsy, is an acute facial paralysis resulting in muscle weakness on one side of the face, usually noticed around the mouth and eyes. It is believed to be caused by inflammation of the facial nerve (7th cranial nerve); the paralysis results in distortion of the face and interferes with normal functions such as eating, smiling, and closing eyes. The progress from the onset of symptoms to maximal weakness usually occurs within three days and occasionally within one week.

Bell’s palsy has been documented in patients of all ages, with a peak incidence observed in the 40s. The annual rate of occurrence of Bell’s palsy is about 20 per 100,000 people, and the rate increases with age. Bell’s palsy affects around 40,000 people in the United States every year. It is commonly seen in young adults, pregnant women, and patients with diabetes. Onset is rapid; in 80% to 90% of patients, it subsides spontaneously with complete recovery. Complications of facial palsy range from incomplete eyelid closure to long-term complications such as permanent facial weakness with muscle contractures.

Facial palsy can affect anyone but rarely affects people under 15 or over 60. The condition is more commonly seen in young adults, and people of Japanese descent have a slightly higher incidence. Onset is rapid; in 80% to 90% of patients, it subsides spontaneously with complete recovery by eight weeks.

It is more common in pregnant women, people recovering from a viral infection, and people with diabetes. In about 20% of cases, recurrence may appear on either side of the face.

Facial neuritis symptoms

The rapid onset of mild weakness or even total paralysis on one side of the face occurs within hours. Possible signs are aching of the jaw or behind the ear and a drooping mouth. Taste perception can be distorted, and there is a sensitivity to sound. Bell’s palsy can interrupt the eyelid’s natural blinking ability, exposing the eyes to irritation and drying. The symptoms are drastic! The inability to close the eye causes extreme dryness, affecting vision and the ability to get adequate sleep.

Patients are walking around constantly, applying eye drops. The closing of the mouth is also affected, making it impossible to drink liquids or control saliva production.

“What I hear from my patients most of all,” Dr. Tsan says, “is the embarrassment of being in the world with people and not being able to communicate at full capacity.” We take it for granted,” Dr. Tsan continues, “how significant facial expressions are when trying to make our way in the world.”

Bell's Palsy

Everyone who suffers from facial palsy should seek help ASAP, and getting acupuncture treatment is one of the best choices you can make. Acupuncture can help tremendously in rehabilitating the facial muscles.

The most common Bell’s palsy symptom is the drooping of the affected side of the face due to the malfunction of the facial nerve. The symptoms come on suddenly. The most common Bell’s palsy symptoms are:

  • Facial muscle weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles on one side of the face.
  • An inability to completely close the eye on the side of the paralysis
  • A constantly watery eye or a constantly dry eye
  • Failure to raise the eyebrow on the affected side
  • The lower eyelid is extremely drooped, exposing more of the eye surface to dust, dirt, and water.
  • Pain in or near the ear
  • Sensitivity to sound in one ear (Hyperacusis)
  • Facial tingling.
  • Drooling from the corner of the mouth.
  • The disappearance of the wrinkles on the affected side.
  • Expressionlessness on the affected side.
  • Impaired speech.
  • In rare cases, it can affect the nerves on both sides of the face.

Causes of Bell’s palsy

Bell’s palsy causes could be different. This condition occurs when an inflammatory reaction blocks the 7th cranial nerve, which may result from an infection, a tumor, hemorrhage, meningitis, hypertension, local trauma, or Lyme disease. Often, people with this problem have a deficient immune system, possibly due to genetics, unresolved or chronic illness, improper diet and exhaustion, exposure to toxic chemicals or drugs, or undue physical and emotional stress. The most common cause of Bell’s palsy is infection (viral or bacterial)

Diagnosis of facial neuritis

Though many features are associated with Bell’s palsy, no exact etiology exists. Its differential diagnosis is essential. It is vital to carefully rule out the possibilities of other conditions with similar manifestations, and only a medical doctor can differentiate them properly.


Bells palsy central and periferal 1Bell’s palsy diagnosis is based on clinical presentation and the exclusion of other reasonable possibilities. Patients often fear that they have suffered a stroke, but Bell’s palsy is not related to a stroke. Electromyography helps diagnose Bell’s palsy and determine nerve damage, while blood tests are used to rule out acute causes such as sarcoidosis or Lyme disease. If the cause of your symptoms isn’t clear, your doctor may recommend other tests, including:

Imaging scans.

  • Occasionally, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) may be needed to rule out other possible sources of pressure on the facial nerve, such as a tumor or a skull fracture.


  • This test can confirm the presence of nerve damage and determine its severity. An electromyography (EMG) measures the electrical activity of a muscle in response to stimulation and the type and speed of electrical impulses along a nerve.

Natural remedies for Bell’s palsy treatment

Natural remedies for Bell’s palsy can help strengthen the facial nerve and reduce pain. The condition is often associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, injury, Lyme disease, and multiple sclerosis. Natural remedies for Bell’s palsy can work to reduce Bell’s palsy symptoms.

Listed below are Bell’s palsy natural treatments.

Home remedies for Bell’s palsy treatment

Home remedies for Bell’s palsy are one of Bell’s palsy natural treatments that are easy to achieve at home. Listed below are different methods of home treatment for Bell’s palsy

Moist heat

  • Moist heat is a popular home treatment for Bell’s palsy. A warm cloth can help reduce the “pain” and discomfort associated with Bell’s palsy. Add an essential oil such as lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, or chamomile to a warm cloth and use the compress whenever pain appears or you want to relieve tension.

Castor oil

  • Castor oil is a natural remedy for Bell’s palsy that is known to help improve circulation, prevent the growth of bacteria, and support the lymphatic system. A castor oil compress may help with healing by enhancing blood flow to the affected areas. Warm one tablespoon of castor oil and massage it onto your face. Cover your face with a warm, damp washcloth and leave it on for 20–30 minutes. Use the compress twice a day.


  • Meditation is one of Bell’s palsy home treatments that can help relieve muscle tension and chronic pain by reducing stress. Taking a few minutes daily to slow down and focus on positive energy may help ease anxiety.

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers.

  • Aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others), or acetaminophen (Tylenol) are home treatments for Bell’s palsy that may help ease your pain.


  • Supplements like vitamin B6 are one of the home remedies for Bell’s palsy treatment. Vitamin B6 is associated with eye and nervous system health, making it an important part of Bell’s palsy natural treatment. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 include chickpeas, potatoes, bananas, pistachios, avocados, sunflowers, and sesame seeds.


  • Zinc is a home treatment for Bell’s palsy and is known for its ability to heal wounds and boost immune system responses. Adding zinc-rich foods to your diet can help your body recover from the underlying condition causing your symptoms. Try spinach, kidney beans, flax, pumpkin, and watermelon seeds.

Exercises for palsy

Even though Bell’s palsy will disappear in most cases, exercise for Bell’s palsy can be used to speed up the process. Most of these exercises for Bell’s palsy are simply a matter of consciously recreating facial expressions. The good news is that these are simple, safe exercises that anyone can do unsupervised at any time, making it easy to speed up recovery.

There are different exercises for Bell’s palsy treatment and rehabilitation, which are:

Facial exercise

Before you begin the facial exercises, it’s important to warm up and stimulate your muscles. Experts suggest sitting in front of a mirror so that you can see your face and watch your muscle movements.

  • Begin by trying to move every part of your face slowly and gently.
  • Use your fingers to lift your eyebrows gently. One side will lift higher than the other, but don’t apply too much force to the drooping side.
  • Using your fingers, gently massage the different parts of your face, including your forehead, nose, cheeks, and mouth.

Nose and cheek exercises

After warming up, you can work in the area of your cheeks and nose. This area is important since any stiffness or weak muscles in this zone can affect the strength of the entire face as you recover.

  • Using your fingers, gently push up the skin next to your nose on the affected side while trying to wrinkle your nose.
  • Try to scrunch up your face, focusing on the cheeks and nose.
  • Flare your nostrils and try to take some deep breaths through your nose. You can cover your unaffected nostril to force the affected muscles to work harder.
  • Puff up your cheeks and blow the air out. Repeat this ten times.

Mouth Exercises

The next area you can work on is your mouth, lips, and tongue. Many people with Bell’s palsy find it difficult to eat and drink since muscle movements are limited. Some also find that they dribble or can’t control their saliva, which can be stressful.

These exercises for Bell’s palsy treatment can help you regain better mouth control. You can repeat them 30 times each, up to 4 times daily.

  • Open your mouth as if you will smile, and then close it. Then, do the opposite and practice frowning.
  • Gently pucker your lips and let them relax.
  • Try lifting each corner of your mouth individually, one at a time. You can use your fingers to help lift the affected side.
  • Stick out your tongue and then aim it down toward your chin.

Eye Exercises

People with Bell’s palsy may have difficulty closing their affected eyes, which can be bothersome and make it difficult to sleep. These facial exercises help you regain control and function of the muscles surrounding the eyes.

  • Practice raising your eyebrows up and down. You can use your fingers to lift the affected eyebrow.
  • Look down and close your eyes while gently massaging the eyelid and eyebrow.
  • Alternately, please open your eyes wide and then gently squeeze them shut.


Note: Exercises for Bell’s palsy are considered one of the safest home treatments for the condition. However, it would help if you did not overexert your muscles. Plus, you don’t want to force the two sides of your face to collide. You should stop if the muscles move or pull during Bell’s palsy exercises. Relax your muscles and get some rest.

Homeopathy for Bell’s palsy: an effective natural facial palsy treatment

Homeopathy for Bell’s palsy is one of Bell’s palsy’s natural treatments that has been used to treat several cases of the disease successfully. However, the results vary from person to person and the extent of nerve damage caused. This form of treatment treats visible symptoms and affects a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health.


Listed below are homeopathic remedies for Bell’s palsy:


  • This is the most preferred homeopathic remedy for Bell’s palsy caused by an injury to a nerve. In addition to the symptoms of Bell’s palsy, the patient may complain of tingling or numbness and burning on the affected side of the face.


  • Bell’s palsy can also be triggered by grief. In such cases, the homeopathic medicine Ignatia has proven very effective. It also corrects excessive saliva production and frequent cheek biting of the tongue when speaking and swallowing.

Cadmium sulfate:

  • Cadmium sulfate, a homeopathic medicine, can treat Bell’s palsy, which results from sudden bleeding. In such cases, the patient may have a contorted face and difficulty swallowing food or speaking properly. Also, he or she may be unable to close the eye on the affected side of the face.

Bacillinum and Causticum:

  • The homeopathic medicines are prescribed for Bell’s palsy, which is caused by the removal of facial rashes. You can consult a homeopath if you want to discuss a specific problem.

Aconite and Causticum:

  • Homeopathic medicine Aconite is prescribed in the initial stages of Bell’s palsy condition, especially when paralysis seems to have set in after exposure to a cold draft. Patients who can benefit from aconite often also complain of a tingling sensation on the affected side of the face. On the other hand, causticum is prescribed to treat chronic cases of facial paralysis.

Acupuncture for facial neuritis

Acupuncture for Bell’s palsy treatment is a natural remedy that may help lessen facial paralysis and facial disability in people with Bell’s palsy, according to a review of the scientific literature.

Bell's palsy acupuncture

Acupuncture can stimulate the nerves and muscles and improve the symptoms of Bell’s palsy. The key is to find an acupuncture practitioner with expertise in treating Bell’s palsy. The sooner you can begin acupuncture sessions, the better.

Acupuncture for Bell’s palsy is the most effective and harmless treatment for these medical conditions. Its effectiveness is almost 100% if the patient seeks treatment within the first week of symptoms’ onset.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Bell’s palsy is known as Zhong Feng, meaning “Wind Attack.”. This condition was thought to be associated with an invasion of “wind” that causes an imbalance in the “Qi,”  the most important substance of the body—living energy and stagnation of blood.

The principle of acupuncture treatment is to expel this “wind” and enhance the movement of “Qi” and blood circulation. Several Chinese studies have supported the therapeutic effect of acupuncture, which was found to be beneficial in the management of facial palsy. Reports showed a minimum cure rate of 37 percent and the highest cure rate of 98 percent, with an average of 81 percent.

Acupuncture for Bell’s palsy often relieves facial paralysis, especially when treatment begins within the first two weeks. It uses natural pressure points on the body and is believed to relieve inflammation and nerve blockage by limiting swelling and blood stagnation.

The acupuncturist inserts small, thin needles into the skin at some acupuncture points throughout the face, limbs, and body.


Some of the key points are located on the stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and large intestine meridians, and thus, needles will be inserted into the forehead, cheeks, and mouth areas of the face, as well as on the patient’s hands, legs, and feet.

There are no known side effects if a qualified, well-trained professional performs acupuncture.

Acupuncturists and TCM practitioners treat facial palsy by removing the “cold wind” from the affected meridians and improving the flow of blood and “Qi.” Achieving these goals will strengthen and nourish muscles and restore normal facial muscles and 7th cranial nerve functions.

Along with improving facial muscle function, the treatment is geared toward strengthening the body’s defense mechanisms and the immune system.

The acupuncture points on the face chosen for treatment physiologically correspond to paralyzed facial muscles. Based on the symptoms manifested and the medical history of each particular patient, additional acupuncture points may be treated.

Besides acupuncture for Bell’s palsy, other TCM procedures (cupping, electro-acupuncture, laser, ear acupuncture, and moxibustion) can be applied for Bell’s palsy treatment. Electro-acupuncture is a modern version of traditional acupuncture that stimulates needles to boost the effect. This method is usually utilized in more complicated and chronic instances of Bell’s palsy.

Acupuncture treatment, in most clinical cases, significantly improves the success rate and helps resolve this medical condition.

Acupuncture for Bell’s palsy in Philadelphia

Finding the best acupuncturist to treat Bell’s palsy is very important. An inexperienced practitioner may use too much stimulation, which causes facial muscle contraction. An acupuncturist who works under the supervision of a medical doctor would be your best choice. Understanding the anatomy and physiology of 12 pairs of cranial nerves is very important in treating Bell’s palsy. Don’t settle for less—get the best. Please enter the Google search box keyword acupuncture for Bell’s palsy near me and see our clinic at the top of the page.

Acupuncture treatment performed by Dr Tsan

At the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic, all treatments were performed under the strict supervision of Victor Tsan, MD. With more than 40 years of experience in medicine and surgery, Dr. Tsan helps his associates with diagnostic and treatment protocols. Each patient at Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic must see Dr. Tsan before treatment with any of his associates. This is our rule, and we are staying with our patients.

Contact our clinic at 267-403-3085 for your appointment, or use our online scheduling application.