Hashimoto Disease – Acupuncture Treatment

Hashimoto Disease

Research has it that about ninety percent cases of hypothyroidism are caused by autoimmune disease, and this eventually attack and destroys the thyroid gland. This autoimmune disease is called Hashimoto disease. Hashimoto’s disease in most cases is not tested because it does not affect the treatment to be administered for thyroid disorders.

Hashimoto DiseaseThe thyroid gland is very pivotal to ones daily life as it determines the energy level of the body, proper metabolic processes in the body, healthy weight and the emotional composition of a person in which when the thyroid functions inappropriately, depression and anxiety can set in. Low thyroid hormones can also be responsible for fatigue and sleeping difficulties. These are symptoms peculiar to hypothyroidism which is the inability of the thyroid gland to produce enough T3 and T4 hormones the body requires. Years of stress, food, water and air contaminated in different forms can be responsible for hypothyroidism over an extended period.

Acupuncture comes as a perfect treatment for Hashimoto Disease as it restores hormonal balance and helps the body get its energy restored alongside the proper sleeping pattern that was once disrupted. Although often misdiagnosed as clinical depression, hypothyroidism is associated with symptoms such as exhaustion, infertility, fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, digestive problems, arthritis and cold feeling that is void of prevailing temperature are common symptoms. Proper diagnosis is recommended to ascertain that hypothyroidism is the true condition to be treated.

Factors That Make Acupuncture Standout from Western Medicine for Hashimoto Disease Treatment

In the treatment of Hashimoto Disease, acupuncture aims at rebalancing the internal homeostasis of the body. Acupuncture uses tongue and pulse diagnosis coupled with symptom cluster to perfectly diagnose the true state of the condition to be treated. Stagnation within the body meridians is cleared by careful selection of the right trigger points central to these meridians bringing about the balance of the Yin and Yang of the body.

Acupuncture considers each patient to be unique so this make treatment to be administered be individualized for accuracy, and this is achieved using the tongue and pulse signs along with the subjective symptom cluster

Acupuncture traces Hashimoto Disease to stress which comes in the form of mental stress leading to the increased production of cortisol in the body. Cortisol eventually slows down the production of thyroid hormone in the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine points to the fact that the liver is responsible for issues relating to body stress. When the body is stressed whether physically, mentally or emotionally, the liver is the end receiver of drugs used to deal with stress and this affect the liver negatively.

The liver is designed to detoxify the body, but when these toxins are not well eliminated, the immune system picks up the fights in which it attacks the thyroid cells in the process, and this leads to hypothyroidism.

Acupuncture saves patients from the burden of depending on synthetic drugs for the rest of their lives as it provides a onetime treatment without the possibility reoccurrence even after acupuncture treatment is complete

How Acupuncture Works for Hashimoto Disease

Acupuncture has its origin from the Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it remains its vital component. Acupuncture procedure involves the insertion of extremely thin needles on the surface of the skin at strategic points on the body called acupunctural points. The whole concepts of acupuncture according to the Chinese believe is that the procedure works towards balancing the flow of energy known as Qi and Chi in the entire body system. This infers that acupuncture points stimulate the muscles, nerves and connective tissue to increase the free flow of blood in the body.

Traditional Chinese Medicines TCM as practiced through acupuncture balances the Yin and Yang of the body. Herbal medicines are sometimes added according to the prescription of the acupuncturist.

The World Health Organization attest to the fact that acupuncture can be used in the treatment of thyroid disease and there are several studies to that effect, proving that acupuncture and TCM are beneficial to the treatment of Hashimoto Disease.

Acupuncture is free of side effect unlike what is obtained in most synthetic drugs that come with associated risk. Acupuncture is safe and is highly recommended for one-time treatment for Hashimoto Disease. Endeavour to consult a certified and experienced acupuncturist to get the best of treatment.