Acupuncture for Neck Pain

Treatment for neck pain

Treatment for neck pain in Western medicine is primarily palliative. Most causes of neck pain are not life-threatening and resolve with time and conservative medical treatment. Determining a treatment for neck pain depends mainly on identifying the location and cause of the pain.

The most common treatments for neck pain include the following:


Both over-the-counter and prescription medications may help treat neck pain, reduce inflammation, and decrease muscle spasms and sleep disturbances. The first line of treatment for neck pain medication is typically non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Some NSAIDs, such as Voltaren Gel and Aspercreme, can be applied topically to the skin; other topical treatments include Icy-Hot, lidocaine-based patches, and CBD creams and ointments.


Neck pain home remedies

Neck pain relief products:

Neck pain relief products such as muscle relaxers and nerve pain relievers are sometimes considered. This neck pain relief product is often used for acute pain rather than chronic pain.

However, if you’re using those products for pain relief for the neck and shoulder, remember to take all medications as your doctor prescribes and report any side effects. Some pain relief for neck and shoulder medications, such as opioids, are highly addictive and should be used only as prescribed.

The neck contains muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. These work together to support the head and allow it to move in many directions. The neck may become stiff or painful when overused or injured.

Painful Neck

Neck pain is pain that starts in the neck and can be associated with radiating pain down one or both of the arms. Neck pain can come from several disorders or diseases that involve any of the tissues in the neck, such as nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, or muscles.

A stiff neck often occurs when one of the muscles becomes strained or tense. Stiffness can also develop if one or more of the vertebrae is injured. A stiff neck may become painful when someone tries to move their neck or head.

Usually, a stiff neck results from a minor injury or incident. People can often relieve the stiffness at home. In rare cases, however, it can be a sign of a severe illness that requires medical treatment.

Causes of neck pain

There are many possible causes of neck pain, including:

Muscle strain

  • Straining the neck muscles is one of the leading causes of neck pain. This soreness might present as an aching or throbbing pain. It can also cause sharp pain, especially when moving the head.

Cervical spondylosis

  • Cervical spondylosis, or cervical disk degeneration, is when the disks between the neck’s vertebrae wear down. This increases friction between the vertebrae and can cause pain and stiffness in the neck as a result.

Cervical radiculopathy

Neck pain causes

  • Cervical radiculopathy involves a pinched nerve. This occurs when a nerve root from the spinal cord in the neck becomes irritated or compressed. This radiates pain from the neck to the shoulder and upper extremities. It can also cause muscle weakness, numbness, and a tingling sensation through the arms or hands.

Other causes of neck pain include:

  • Poor posture
  • Repetitive motion
  • Bad sleep habits
  • Gritting your teeth
  • Carrying a heavy shoulder bag or purse
  • Pinched nerves
  • Sports or other injuries
  • Car accidents involving whiplash
  • Arthritis
  • Infection
  • Tumors
  • A fractured or collapsed vertebra, which can be related to osteoporosis
  • A slipped (herniated) disk
  • Fibromyalgia

Symptoms of neck pain

Listed below are some of the symptoms of neck pain

  • Pain that gets worse when you hold your head a certain way while working on a computer, driving, or doing other tasks
  • Muscle tightness or spasms
  • Trouble moving your neck or head
  • Headache

Neck Pain Diagnosis

Home remedies for neck pain

Home remedies for neck pain are another treatment for neck pain that has been proven effective in relieving the symptoms of neck pain. Below are home remedies for neck pain you can quickly try at home.

Home remedies for neck pain and stiffness

  • Placing warm or cold packs on the neck to reduce pain symptoms: Apply ice for 20 minutes a few times a day to help relieve neck inflammation; this is a stiff neck remedy and helps ease neck pain. You can also alternate between applying ice and heat. A warm bath or shower or a heating pad may also help.
  • Avoiding contact sports and heavy lifting
  • Doing gentle neck stretches is an effective home remedy for neck pain and stiff necks. Stretching can help relieve the pain and stiffness and prevent them. It’s essential to pull gently and slowly. Sudden movements can cause more inflammation, pain, and severe injury. Apply a heating pad or take a warm shower before stretching.
  • Keeping good posture
  • Using supportive neck pillows for sleep

Massage is the most common natural treatment for neck pain

Massage for neck pain is another treatment for neck pain that is effective. Massage for neck pain can help release muscle tension and lessen pain and inflammation, regardless of what is causing your pain—stress, injury, or misuse. Regular massages may also be an effective neck pain prevention measure.



Listed below are tips on how to self-massage for neck pain:

  • Lower your shoulders away from your ears. Straighten your neck and back.
  • Locate the painful areas on your neck. Press firmly with your fingers.
  • Gently move your fingers in circular motions. Repeat in the opposite direction.
  • Continue for 3 to 5 minutes.

Yoga is a traditional Indian natural treatment for neck pain

Yoga for neck pain can increase your core strength, improve balance and posture, and reduce stress—all fantastic ways to help you prevent and/or lower neck pain. If tense muscles or weak core muscles cause your pain, yoga for neck pain can be beneficial.

neck pain yoga

Listed below are yoga for neck pain poses that can help relieve the symptoms of neck pain:

Ear to Shoulder/Neck Rolls

  • Probably the most popular and well-known yoga for neck pain, the yoga equivalent takes it slightly further. First, ensure you’re in a comfortable seat with your hands resting on your knees. Sit upright, relax your shoulders, and push your chin against your chest to straighten your spine. Next, gently roll your head to the right or left until your ear touches your shoulder; use one hand to push your head and the other to slowly push your opposite shoulder in the other direction. Slowly roll your head back to the center and repeat on the opposite side. You’ll immediately start to feel the muscles in your neck stretched, which will feel lovely if you’re stiff.

Cat/cow stretch

  • This pose targets and stretches both your neck and shoulder muscles. This pose also stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs, opens the chest, and helps you achieve slow and deep breaths.

Myofascial Release On Block

  • Place a block at medium height and rest your head on the edge of the block (where the base of your skull and your neck meet). Hold here for eight slow breaths, then turn your head as far to the right as possible. Then, move your head back toward your center line about halfway (until you feel a small muscle mass), and hold there for eight slow breaths. Finally, take your head back about a quarter way toward your centerline (keeping your head tilted slightly to the right). Again, you’ll locate another small mass of muscle. Pause and breathe here for eight slow breaths before returning your head to the center and repeating on the other side. This type of yoga is the ideal treatment for stiff neck and neck pain.

Trapezius and neck release

  • This yoga pose is an excellent stiff neck remedy. From a comfortable seat, bring your left hand behind your body, resting your left hand on your right thigh. If you cannot reach your thigh, rest your hand on the floor behind you. Drop your head to the right and hold for ten slow breaths, then repeat the stretch on the opposite side.

Cupping is a highly effective treatment for neck pain

Cupping for neck pain is another effective treatment for neck pain that has been used for thousands of years to ease back pain, neck pain, headaches, and other problems. Cupping therapy involves creating a suction force to pull blood into the skin.

Cupping therapy for neck and shoulder stiffness and pain

Cupping for neck pain helps to ease pain and reduce the symptoms of neck pain. A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs, or other body parts. Inside the cup, a vacuum or suction force pulls the skin upward.

Herbal remedies for neck pain and stiffness

Herbal remedies such as capsaicin cream are another treatment for a stiff neck that can temporarily reduce pain when applied to the skin. Devil’s claw and/or white willow bark are commonly used to reduce inflammation and pain.

Physical therapy – one of the most popular natural treatments for cervical pain

Most physical therapy treatments for neck stiffness involve an exercise for neck pain that will strengthen and stretch the neck to reduce pain and stiffness. Research shows that physical therapy is often better for neck pain than surgery or pain medication. Your physical therapist will work with you on exercises and treatments you can do at home to help you return to your normal activities and lifestyle.

Listed below are exercises for neck pain:

Forward and Backward Tilt

This exercise for neck pain can be done while seated or on your feet. Keep your moves slow and smooth.

  • Start with your head squarely over your shoulders and your back straight.
  • Lower your chin toward your chest and hold for 15–30 seconds. Relax, and slowly lift your head back up.
  • Tilt your chin up toward the ceiling and bring the base of your skull toward your back. Hold for 10 seconds, then return to the start position.
  • Repeat the set several times. Do it every day.


Side Tilt

Side tilt can be achieved while standing, with your feet hip-width apart and your arms down by your sides.

  • Tilt your head toward your right shoulder and try to touch it with your ear. Stop when you feel the stretch. Don’t raise your shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch for 5–10 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat on your left side. You can do several sets and work your way up to 10 repetitions.
  • For extra stretch, put the hand on the same side of your tilted head on top of your head and press lightly with your fingertips.

Side Rotation

  • This exercise for neck pain can be done while seated or standing.
  • Keep your head squarely over your shoulders and your back straight.
  • Slowly turn your head to the right until you feel a stretch in the side of your neck and shoulder.
  • Hold the stretch for 15–30 seconds, then slowly turn your head forward again.
  • Repeat on your left side. Do up to 10 sets.

Prevention of stiff neck and neck pain

  • Use an earpiece to talk on the phone. Avoid holding the phone between the shoulder and ear.
  • Avoid looking down at a cell phone or tablet for long periods. Hold the device at eye level whenever possible, and take frequent breaks.
  • Use proper ergonomics at work. This may include keeping the screen at eye level, keeping the feet flat on the floor, and ensuring the arms are supported. Also, focus on keeping the head above the neck without craning it forward.
  • Be mindful when carrying bags. Carrying a heavy purse or briefcase can put pressure on the shoulder and strain the muscles in the neck. Use rolling bags or backpacks whenever possible.
  • Take breaks. Sitting or driving for long periods can strain the neck. Get up, walk, and stretch at least once per hour.
  • Invest in a high-quality mattress and pillow that provide the proper support.
  • Regularly engage in stress-relieving activities. Some examples include listening to relaxing music, taking baths, practicing meditation or deep breathing, and enjoying a class or favorite activity.
  • See a healthcare provider as recommended. Talk with them about pain, stress levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being.
  • Exercise regularly. Moving the body can help alleviate muscle tension and stiffness. Exercise is also a natural stress reliever. Low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, biking, or yoga may be helpful.


Acupuncture is a treatment for neck stiffness and pain that restores a healthy flow of your “qi,” your body’s energy force. Some people find relief after one acupuncture treatment, though others require a few sessions to feel less neck pain. Acupuncture for neck pain became popular among patients and physicians because of its effectiveness and simplicity. Today, so many people suffer from neck pain and are constantly looking for the best way to eliminate this problem. Their most significant issue is that they seem to get no comfort without taking a painkiller, and no amount of massaging or patches makes them feel better. There is no question that neck pain can be highly annoying and can make it hard for anyone to handle their daily activities without feeling abstracted by the pain.

Acupuncture for neck pain

 In this article, we will discuss the process of using neck pain acupuncture and how this can be a compelling way to eliminate the problem. They get no comfort without taking a painkiller, and no amount of massaging or patches makes them feel any better. In this article, we discuss the process of using acupuncture for neck pain and how this can be a compelling way to eliminate the problem.

Acupuncture for neck pain is a widespread treatment.

People from all walks of life and various professions suffer from neck pain. Those sitting in front of a computer all day long are just as likely to start suffering from neck pains as those with a job requiring more physical activities. The point is that neck pain is something that many people experience all the time, and it could get worse if they don’t do something to get rid of the accumulated tension.

The longer you wait to get rid of the pain, the more chances you have of experiencing higher levels of discomfort, and it will also be more challenging to get rid of the problem.

 Acupuncture for neck pain can be the answer.

If you suffer from tension and pain in your neck and you don’t seem to be able to find any comfort from the use of painkillers and massage, you might want to try neck pain acupuncture, and this could be the way for you to finally get rid of the problem and get prolonged relief.

Remember that even if your acupuncture sessions for neck pain get rid of the pain, you may eventually accumulate more tension due to the activities that caused the problem the first time. You will need to get a new session to get rid of the pain again. However, the beauty of neck pain acupuncture is that it relieves the pain and cures it if the degenerative changes aren’t entirely developed.

Neck Pain Acupuncture

The good news is that acupuncture for neck pain is highly safe and painless. Another great advantage of neck pain acupuncture is that it can be affordable to treat neck pain and other conditions you might be suffering from. Many people have gone into acupuncture for neck pain treatment for stress or neck and back pain, and they have discovered that they can also use this to get rid of other conditions. Learning acupuncture as a great way to treat neck pain can also open possibilities.

Find the best practitioner to treat you with neck pain acupuncture.

The art of the acupuncture system is extensive, and many conditions can be fixed. The critical thing to remember is that it takes time to learn how to perform these sessions, depending on the medical condition you are looking to treat. This is the main reason you need to look for a professional with plenty of experience with neck pain acupuncture, and this will ensure that you get the best results.


Experiencing neck pain can be highly distracting and make you lose sleep at night due to the stiffness of the neck and the accumulated tension. This can also lead to more stress and irritability during the day, making things even more difficult.

You will find that the relief from neck pain from acupuncture will also make you feel much better and increase your energy levels. Acupuncture for pain in the neck is meant to stimulate areas of your neck and distribute energy for tension to be quickly released.

Victor Tsan, MD, and his associates have successfully treated neck pain at the Philadelphia Acupuncture Clinic. Many patients could avoid spinal surgery after acupuncture for neck pain treatment at the center.

David Wu - Master of Oriental Medicine

Contact our clinic to schedule an appointment for the initial evaluation and treatment with our licensed acupuncturist, David Wu, LAc, or use the button below.

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